Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Truth revealed

It was confirmed that Antonio was the Perez's child but who was Miss Antoniete's son? It was decided that Petra should tell Miss Antoniete the truth.
Adela went to see Ricardo and outside, she saw a lady selling lottery she bought with high hopes of being a millionaire. Still dreaming about the house in the suburb, Adela had to buy flowers to appease Carmelo so that the dream can be a reality. The maniac just threw the flowers away.
Ricardo came to insult the mother, calling her a crazy, greedy and opportunistic woman. He said that he was rich and powerful courtesy Silvia's inheritance( he does not know whats stated on the Will). He further informed her that he would not share his wealth with her or any other family member. What a jerk.
When Carmelo was told that Antonio was not Miss Antoniete son, he was happy that the inheritance would not be shared among many people. Antonio met with Catalina to find out first hand the kind of woman Wakina was. Catalina told him that Wakina was an opportunist. Carmelo told him how she came to blackmail him to give her money to keep her mouth shut about his paternity. Antonio was shocked but promised giving the money back and also aplogised to them on her behalf now that it was confirmed he was a Perez.
The next day everyone gathered in Cantinas, rooms and sitting areas to watch Ramiro as he began his journey as a soloist. Ramiro dedicated his debut album to Guadalupe. The town folks gathered at the Cantina to watch him while Manolita, his mother watched at home with Sebastian and Martina. Manolita was so happy and excited that she began crying at the success of her son. At the penthouse, everyone except Adela watched Ramiro in Carmelo's bedroom while having breakfast. Adela on the other hand was looking through the papers to check the lottery. She asked for breakfast but Petra refused and she went into the kitchen to do it. She discovered she won. The unexpected excitement overwhelmed her and caused an attack that saw her falling and squeezing the lottery coupon and result.
The town folks that gathered at the cantina to watch Ramiro all toasted to Lupe and Ramiro. They were happy he was bringing glory and recognition to Santa Cruz. Sebastian and Martina made Rufina confessed everything and she did. Antonio arrived and went straight to tell Miss Antoniete that he was not Lupe's son. Thinking that Josephat told him the truth, she decided to tell him his father was not Lupe but an American who passed by the town. This confession just worsen the already terrible situation so Antonio walked out of her life forever after handing over the truck keys. Miss Antoniete rushed to Alcatraz to confirm the information.
Adela was found on the floor of the kitchen by Catalina and Petra and later rushed to the hospital. At the hospital, Carmelo forced Catalina to travel with him to the town for Lupe's burial mass. Petra went with them. When advised to slow down on the highway, he said that it would be better if they all died to be with Lupe. Meanwhile at Santa Cruz, the folks all agreed not to welcome him.
Gustavo came to see Adela and promised being by her side. They mistook her frequent eye movement for remorse for all the terrible things she had done to Catalina in particular and the rest family in general but they were mistaken because she was desperate to go get her millions.

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