Thursday, November 22, 2012

Paloma's fake father

When Paloma now stages her own protest of not talking to Carlota until she tells her who her real father is, Carlota has to quickly do something. She got in touch with an actor in Mexico City and paid him handsomely to act as Paloma's father.

The day they left home to go to meet the actor, Rufina was not happy but she can not do anything. They drove to Mexico City and Carlota sat nearby to watch Poor Paloma suffer the worst heartbreak and deceit. The happiness of seeing her so called father diminished immediately the guy starts talking and putting down Macarena. He said he did not belief he's Paloma's father because he was not the only man Macarena was seeing then. When Paloma says Macarena told her that he was in Love with her, he laughed and said it was in her imagination because he was not.  It was a terrible experience for Paloma. She was really hurt  especially when the man tells Paloma that Macarena had other boyfriends and doubts if she is his daughter. She left in anger and tears and told Carlota she never wants to see or hear from her 'father' again. Whew! Carlota was happy that it was money well spent.
Father Cristobal was chosen to become a Bishop. He was super surprised that he was even considered because he did think he qualifies for that elevation. Carlota was informed by Ines that Father Cristobal was considered for Bishopric position in the Church and she was surprised too.
Finally Orlando gets the result of the DNA test and plans to tell Emiliano that he is his father since Diana and Rafael are trying to make him out as the bad person. Diana tries to convince Orlando not to tell Emiliano that he is his father but he refuses
Aaron is desperate to make Paloma his so he visits her and Paloma takes him to see some of her painting in the backyard. When they were alone he tries to rape her. Luckily before he overpowers her, Rufina appears in the verandah to help her. Paloma was visibly shaken and she confided in Angelica. She advised her to report the incident to the Police so he can be punished. Paloma took Angelica's advice and asks her to accompany her to report the case to the Authorities. Aaron was arrested and charge with attempted rape.
Emiliano hears the attempt on Paloma by Aaron so he waited for him. He attacks him.and a fight breaks out but they were restrained later.
Camila decides to forget Rafael and go live with Orlando since Diana is not ready to give him that divorce because she does not want him to go be with the new woman.
Paloma vows to never again believe what Carlota tells her. Carlota tries to stop her from pressing charges against Aaron because of the scandal it will cause.
Aaron calls Romina and demands she does something to take  him out of jail or he will tell German that the baby she is expecting is his.
Ines throws Angelica out of the house when she found out that she helped Paloma filed a complaint against Aaron.
Carlota visits Cristobal in his room while he sleeps in the night. Carlota is desperate and sick but she does not know.
Diana tries to convince Rafael to come back home claiming she and Emiliano need his protection and love now that Orlando is threatening exposure. When the coercion did not work, she invited Ines to come and hit her severally and she would show people that Orlando did it.  She needed the bruises to convince Rafael and her son not to abandon her and to also confirms her lies that Orlando is extremely dangerous. She succeeded because Rafael saw it and went straight to confront Orlando.
Rufina confesses to Father Mateo that she has been covering up Carlota’s lies. She proceeds to tell him what has been happening and what she suspects is still happening
Ines went to plead with Paloma to withdraw her complaint against Aaron. She even knelt for Paloma but she forbids her not to  and agrees to go withdraw the case. Paloma withdrew the case and Aaron was released from jail. As soon as he was out, Aaron leaves the city
Carlota not wanting Cristobal to be made a Bishop, went to confess to Fr. Benito that Christobal is the Father of Paloma so he cannot be made a Bishop.
Emiliano when he hears what Orlando purportedly did to Diana, furiously attacked Orlando for hitting his mother. Orlando denies the allegation and tells Emiliano that he is his father. Orlando talks to Angelica who is now leaving in the  back room in his house, about Diana and her lies. He vows that he did not touch her and Angelica believes him. Emiliano tells Paloma that Orlando is his dad
With Romina's pregnanacy and the soon coming wedding, Carlota advises Paloma to tell Romina about her relationship with Emiliano.
German tries to extort money from Doctor Bermudez with Javier’s will when he went to seek his help in knowing the content of the will.
Natalia confided in Cristobal the conviction of  Alonso her husband that Carlota has something to do with IƱaki’s death. Cristobal became worried that Carlota might do something to Paloma once he is appointed as bishop and he leaves Real del Monte.

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