Monday, October 15, 2012

In the Name of Love

Camila Rios acted by Actress Laura Flores. She is the mother of Romina and ex wife of Samuel the fraudstaer. She was Macarena's friend and confidant.
She is a strong woman who works very hard to give her daughter the best life and was too lenient with her. When she decided to get back into the dating game, she fell in love with the wrong man, (He was still married to Diana) Rafael Saenz acted by Alfredo Adame although Orlando Ferrer showed interest. She was smitten by Rafael's love instead of Orlando's.
Romina used her mother's feeling to her advantage. She exploited the situation to get close to Diana, Emiliano's mother. Meanwhile, Diana was the stay at home, nagging and scheming wife who constantly made her husband, Rafael's life miserable. On the other hand, Rafael Saenz, honest, hard-working and dedicated man who gave everything to make his family happy and well taken care of. Diana was not always happy. He got tired of his wife excessive demands and nagging and files for divorce. With the help of his partner, he got Camilla to invest in his Ceramic factory. Though he admires her, the closeness brought friendship which blossomed into love and affection.
Actor Víctor Cámara is the nice, honest, successful businessman who lives alone and unattached. He is Emiliano’s employer and has a great deal of love for him. He is always encouraging him to be the best. He is so attached without knowing that he is his son. Emiliano tells him all about his love for Paloma and the distress of his infatuation with Romina. He was too cautious with his love with Camila. If he had told her earlier that he loves her maybe she would not have fallen for Rafael.
In the name of Love is primarily about the love story of Paloma and Emiliano and other couples in the telenovela who are willing to defend their love yet keep it real.

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