Thursday, March 13, 2008

Isabel on vacation

Day 30

Before embarking on the trip, Isabel called Antonio to convince him to stop seeing Angela. He offered to pay him so much for him and his family to leave the house so that discipline and order can be restored and maintained. But Antonio told her that his love was not for sale and even if he might go through disappointment, he will still stay with Angela.
Antonio discussed the sack of Simon from the citrus factory with Angela and she promised speaking to Andre for his reinstatement.
Salvador said that he was afraid of occuping another person's body and does not know what would happen or where he would go if anyone tried exorcism like Fr. Giacomo tried in the small town he woke up in. Gayetana calmed him and also advised on his sensitivity as it concerned his love for Isabel saying he should focus on his return to the mansion first.
Rebecca and Vicky clashed again and while arguing, Isabel came and separated them and ordered Rebecca to come and help her pack for her trip. While packing, she told Rebecca her intention of sending Antonio away so that Angela without him would leave out of boredom and loneliness. Andre came to pick Isabel up and Angela queried his decision to dismiss Simon from the factory. He lied that he was lazy but luckily, Simon showed up and defended himself. Angela ordered him to reinstate Simon and that from now he has become her protege. Andre complied and asked Simon to resume monday and he and Isabel left for the working vacation in New York, USA.
Rebecca and Walter decided to turn the house upside out to search for Pedro's safe in Isabel's abscene. Walter poisoned the water in Azur's drinking bowl in preparation to their search. The sensitive dog heard their evil plan and broke off from the chain and ran into the forest. Simon checked on the dog and saw the chain broken so he rushed back to report. Angela ordered the whole household to go into the bush and look for Azur. Walter wanted to exclude himself but she insisted that she was the owner so he must obey. He now left with a gun to kill Azur once and for all. While searching, Walter went quietly through the bush with the torchlight. He sighted Azur and shot but he dodged and attacked him. Simon heard the gunshot and ran toward there.
Gayetana and her group were in their evil session and something went bad. The session did not go as planned and the people attacked her. Salvador that was warned not to come out finally did on hearing the commotion to save Gayetana from the angry mob.The clown of a woman was lamenting the loss of money instead of being grateful for her life.
In a taxi to the hotel in New York,the lovers were quarelling again but quickly made up in order not to ruin their vacation. Isabel was worried about the myriads of problems at home.
The family gathered to review the attack on Walter. Simon said he heard the gun shot but Walter denied it saying it was the guard. Angela said the guard denied it. Walter wanted the dog out but Angela insisted nothing must happen to Azur and he must be found.
Simon went in search of the dog in the forest alone just like the guard who had been instructed to kill at sight did. Azur ran out to meet Simon and ran back when the guard came towards them.
Salvador/Pedro was in his house and came face to face with the first person, Walter.

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