Monday, February 18, 2008

In His Likeness

In His Likeness

In the garden of Eden God created man in His image and likeness to fellowship with Him. But when man fell into sin the glory was taken away, the body became corruptible and lost its ability to stand in the presence of the Living God. Although we still appear in His image, many have lost His likeness.

Beyond looks (image), we are required to be like Him in thoughts and in deeds (likeness). Can Jesus rely on us to hold our peace when we are provoked? To lay down our “rights” for His own righteousness (not ours which is like a filthy rag before Him)? To allow the love of the Lord to constrain us when we would have reacted otherwise?

These perishable bodies will one day melt away and we will wear a new and glorious body created to be like Him in holiness. The Bible speaks about when He will appear, we shall be like Him. And the prerequisite for this; everyone that has this hope in him purifies himself even as He is pure.

It is our inner qualities that will trigger this evolution at His appearance. It is after we have met the requirements of the inner qualities that the outer manifestation becomes inevitable.

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