Fr. Cristobal enters the visiting room and saw an elderly woman who shows him half of the photograph and tells him she is his mother.

He asks if it is a joke but the woman says no claiming shes been wanting to see him again forever. She went on to say being in the prison may have wrecked his life, but it is what made her to find him and he is her only child.

Cristobal insist he is an orphan right from a tender age and stands up but madam Madeleine tells him that she lives in Paris, but was born in Mexico. That his photo in the papers and his name made her abandon all to come back to Mexico. Cristobal apologise for the trouble but says she is wasting her time as he has no mother and she should go back to where she came from. Madeleine intends to leave a box at the priest’s residence that has family papers and photos so Cristobal can go through and find out about his mother and his family. She pleaded with him to reconsider then she dropped her hotel address and informed him she is staying through the trial's period. When he was leaving, she takes his hand, kisses it and leans her cheek into it. Cristobal gives her a perfunctory blessing and leaves.

Diana and Inez are having lunch at the café and Inez asks her to be her maid of honor. Diana agrees and hopes Samuel will propose to her too.

Joel walks in carrying Monica's child in his arms with Monica right behind. Diana sees them and mocked so Monica quickly took the baby from him while he confronts Diana about the boy and hopes her grandson recovers fast. Diana is shocked and Joel too that she didn't know. Diana thinks he is lying but when Joel insists she left hurriedly.
Carlota is happy the case of Chris and Natalie is coming up and German will be their lawyer. The prosecutor will be Lic. Cordero and since she knows him she is going to tell him all the secrets about Cristobal.
Nurses are trying to make Romina wear the sterile outfit to go be with her baby while Em watches through a door window. Romina is giving several reasons not to go but Emiliano does. The nurse encourages Emiliano to touch the baby and he did while Romina watches through an observation window beaming.
Liliana and Sandra discussed the graduation, Romina's baby Eric, Gabriel, German and their feelings towards their friends and lovers. Sandra says she just realized she loves Erik now she’s unhappy about the breakup.
Romina calls Paloma to come and see the baby. She wants her to see how happy the baby makes Emiliano.
Rufina listenes and when asked, advisesher to go. She gets dressed and leaves.
Meanwhile in the hospital, Rafael and Luz visit and encourage Romina to touch her baby that it would do him good. Romina is not sure. Diana rushes in accusing all of not informing her but Rafael informed her he called all nght and Emiliano backs Rafael up. Rafael and luz leave and Samuel comes for visits too.
At the intensive Unit, Paloma, gift in hand, is looking through the big observation window at the baby and waving to him when Emiliano arrives. Paloma agrees to wear the sterile suit to go rub the baby down and sing some lullaby for the baby. Later Paloma says she doesn’t want to make Romina mad by staying long and she only came because she invited her. Emiliano says he wishes it were her baby but he is going to dedicate his life to making his son happy.
Fr. Benito visits Cristobal in prison and he tells him about his mother’s visit. He advised him to listen to his mother since she came all this way to see him. He further advises Cristocal to see these trials as as a test of faith.
The sun rises over Real del Monte.
Angelica is telling Orlando about what Dario did to her. Orlando says he’s sorry he hasn’t been around especially with the birth of his grandson. Angelica informs him she’s going to go after Dario with everything she’s got. Orlando says he’s sorry, but he couldn’t find the manuscript she gave him. He wanted to read it. Why? she says sharply. It was a good story, she says, or Dario wouldn’t have stolen it. Don’t look for it, I found it thrown in among your other papers. Orlando says he really wanted to read it and Angelica says is that why you lied to me and said you had? Orlando says I was ashamed that I hadn’t yet. That he was awfully sorry and hopes to be honest with her henceforth. Angelica gets emotional saying she feels all alone but Orlando assures that she is not.
Don Eugenio calls Gabriel and he assures him he’s fine. He wants to come see him but using the excuse of the unfinished conversation with Carlota.
Paloma and Lilian are visiting and the conversation turns to Paloma and Gabriel, but Paloma denies any relationship. Lilian advises her to move on as Emiliano is making his own life with Romina and the baby. Paloma changes the subject by asking about Erik. When Lilian tells her there are still having misunderstanding because of German, Paloma suggests she talk with him and tell him how she feels.
A nurse comes up and asks if they’re going to go by the neonatal unit as Romina is required to express her milk for the baby. Camila tries talking to Romina but she refuses saying she can do it at home not in the open. The nurse warns her that her milk will dry up. Romina walks off to the see the baby. She looks at the baby through the observation window and sees the resemblance with German and she doesn’t know what she’s going to do when he gets bigger. When Emiliano and Camila come up, she gushes about how the baby looks just like him. Emiliano does not see how and Camila looks very worried.

In the prison yard, Christobal remembers all that the mother said that she hadn’t had one day of peace all these years. Chicho spots him and runs over and reminded him of what his mother said that God’s ways are not men’s ways. Canibal the enemy approaches and tells him he can’t wait until the day when he quits pretending to be innocent and admits to be a killer, like the rest of them there. Chicho tells him to buzz off and they started struggling. The guards come and separated them and one informs Christobal he has a visitor. He suspected Carlota and does not want to go but the guard tells him he has to.
True to suspicion, It’s Carlota waiting for him. He rushes for the door but it was closed. He wants to know why she won’t leave him alone and accuses her of being responsible for all this. Carlota admits and tells him his love has made her do terrible things. She said she came to ask one more time that he be her man. Cristobal responded "You are the worst thing that has happened to me in my life. I’d rather spend the rest of my days in prison than in bed with you".
"Fine" says Carlota, "If you want to stay in prison, help yourself. We would have been great together".
The guard lets Christobal out and she says "You lost your opportunity".
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