Carlota offers to iron Paloma's gown and she tells her to finish putting on her make-up. Carloca is ironing Paloma's dress and purposely ruins it by leaving the iron on it.

Rufina dresses and comes into Paloma's room to collect her dress for ironing but Paloma tells her that Carlota is already doing it. Rufina surprised says Carlota doesn't like to iron! Of course she doesn't, she only wants to ruin the dress by burning it.

Carlota rushes in and to tell Paloma that she accidentally ruined her dress. Paloma starts crying. Rufina thinks she might be able to fix the dress but Carlota says no. She offers to lend Paloma one of her dresses since the shops are closed.
Gabriel shows up at Sandra's house but Sandra's mother wants to tell him something about Sandra.
Emiliano hurries Romina up so that they would not be late. Romina comes out and says she looks ugly but Emiliano reminds her that she's pregnant. She tries to adjust her scarf to hide her belly.
Fr. Cristobal wishes he could be at Paloma's graduation. He asks God to watch out over her since he cannot be there.
The doorbell rings and it's Dr. Bermudez. Carlota opens the door and walks away. Rufina comes up to greet the doctor properly.

Gabriel comes too and Carlota asks him rudely what he is doing here. He replies that he came to get Paloma. Suddenly Paloma walks up and asks What Gabriel was doing here? Gabriel explains why and Carlota says absolutely not. When asked why? she says Paloma is not going to be second best just because his initial date got cancelled. That's not what happened says Gabriel.

Is that how you understood it he asks Paloma. No replies Paloma with Rufina and Dr. Bermudez agreeing also. Dr. Bermudez points out that it's tradition for the graduates to be accompanied by a partner. Rufina mentions that it will make Paloma go to the party because now that her dress was ruined by accident by Carlota she didn't want to go. Paloma says she doesn't feel comfortable with the dress that she is wearing. But if he wants to accompany her then she would love to go. Everyone is happy except Carlota.
Romina and Emiliano show up at the hotel where the graduation is going to be held and come across Rafael and Luz. Rafa says he came to take Luz to the restaurant for dinner. He introduces Luz to Emiliano and Romina. Luz comments on how she has wanted to meet him and that he looks a lot like his dad. And Romina looks beautiful. They are about to leave when Camila and Orlando show up. Camila and Rafa make eyes at each other. Luz shakes hands with Camila. Emiliano breaks up the happy group and says they have to go in now. Romina comes up with the bright idea for Rafa and Luz to come along with them. Emiliano doesn't want to mess up Rafa's plan, but Romina overrides it and says that she had to buy a table and there is room for them. Rafa says thanks, but we didn't come properly dressed. Luz suggests they go home and change into appropiate attire. Romina seconds the idea. Camila asks Romina not to insist if they don't want to. Orlando seconds the comment. Romina ignores them and tells Luz that she expects them to show up.
Diana and the ladies play cards with Samuel.
Rufina had given the two rings to Dr.Bermudez so she asks if he has figured out the true situation. He says one is the original and the other a very good copy. He thinks the copy was made by Carlota.
Gabriel stops and buys Paloma a flower. He tells her he has another surprise for her.
Romina and Emiliano walk into the room where the party is being held followed by Camila and Orlando. Orlando comments that he thinks Romina went to far. Camila agrees. Orlando says this dinner will be torture with you, me, Rafael and his newest girlfriend. Camila says if you want to leave, I'll understand. Orlando says of course not. Camila asks if Luz is really pretty. Orlando says she pales in comparison to her. Emiliano too was angry at Romina for inviting Rafael and Luz. Now Orlando and Rafa are going to be uncomfortable. Romina thinks Camila needs to get use to it because once the baby is born they are going to around each other
Romina and Emiliano ask where Paloma is when they see Rufina, Carlota and Dr. Bermudez. Rufina says she's just coming in.
Paloma walks in with Gabriel on her arm wearing a new dress. The dress? Carlota asks Rufina what she did. Nothing replies Rufina saying I just bought her a new dress. Orlando says she's beautiful, Romina says she looks nice and Emiliano says spectacular.
Paloma goes up to Camila who tells her she looks beautiful. Paloma introduces Gabriel to her. Romina comments that she thought Paloma was coming alone. Paloma says last minute Gabriel wanted to accompany her. Anyway Liliana comes in and spots Paloma. They get all excited and Liliana says you look gorgeous. I'm so glad that you came with Gabriel especially after all that happened. Romina wants to go what's going on.
Emiliano and Romina sit down at their table and Romina rubs it in that Paloma found herself another. Camila says Paloma's free and so is Gabriel. They look like a lovely couple. Orlando says so does Emiliano and Romina. You look beautiful today. Romina tells him not to lie. She looks like a cow.
Paloma thanks Rufina for the dress. Rufina says that Paloma has become the focus of the party. Of course Carlota is not pleased.
Angelica and Miriam meet in a restaurant and she tell her how Dario stole her book. Miriam isn't surprised because Dario used her too. Angelica wants to get back at him. She wants them to join forces and Miriam agrees.
At the party Emiliano keeps looking at Paloma and Gabriel and is jealous. German comes up and asks what's wrong? Paloma came with that guy replies Emiliano. They both talk about Gabriel. German assures him that he will handle everything.
Rafael and Luz show up and and Rafael tells Emiliano he doesn't think this is a good idea.
German greets Carlota and pays Paloma compliments. He wants to dance with Paloma but Gabriel says no that that will be his pleasure.
Mother Superior starts the party by making a speech. Rafael looks at Camila, Romina looks at Emiliano and Emiliano looks at Paloma. What an exchange of looks.
Joel and Monica are together getting to know each other. Joel says once they get married, Monica's son will get use to him. Monica is shocked and asks if he wants to marry her? Of course replies Joel. Don't you? Monica says she wants to spend her life next to him along with her son. Why don't we live together instead? That way if you want to leave you can just pack up. No papers involved. Are you that scared asks Joel. Monica begs Joel to understand. She's scared of marriage. I understand that you had a bad experience with the father of your son, but that does not mean all men are bad.
Paloma was invited to come up and make a speech. Gabriel escorts her to the stage. Paloma makes a speech about leaving behind today their childhood and looking forward to adulthood. She thanks all for the love and guidance they have shown them. Paloma thanks everyone especially Romina for opening up her heart to her when she first came to the school. Romina cries silently. Paloma says with Romina I learned what a friend and a sister is. I will always care for her. No matter what. Carlota just shakes her head. Video of Romina and Paloma as kids at the school. Everyone looks on at the video and tears are running down Romina's face. At the end of the video Romina and Paloma embrace.
Fr. Cristobal's cellmate asks about the torn photo and he says it showed up at the hospital while he was sleeping and he needs to know who gave it to him.
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