Friday, November 9, 2012

Paloma after INAKI's death

Arcadia was out of the Iparraguirre's House but still interested in what happens there.
Arcadia knew Carlota was up to no good with the purchase of that herbal tea so she monitors and waits. Meanwhile, Paloma helps Macarena to dress up for a date with Dr Rodolfo Bermudez. Since Carlota was not allowed to press charges against Iñaki for running away with a minor ie Paloma and demanded by Alonso to drop the charges, she has to ensure she keeps the lovers around so they do not run away again. She surprisingly gives them permission to get married. Orlando meets Camila coincidentally and instantly falls in love with her but she has becomes Rafael’s anonymous business partner. She now has two men that she is interested in and when she told Romina that she wants to rebuild her life by falling in love again she got angry. Romina refuses to accepts that she is grown now and does not need her mother to babysit her. She started looking for her father to stop Camila from starting a new relationship. She hired a detective. It was in the cause of the crisis between them and Carlota that Iñaki learns about Paloma’s inheritance and decides to investigate.
If he had known, he would have left investigating or done it discreetly. This investigation and his gut to make one of the Monteros happy, caused his death. While Paloma was happy to be getting married, Romina gets expelled from from School. Carlota brewed a special tea for Iñaki as he formally asks Paloma’s hand in marriage and that caused heart failure so the happiest day of Paloma turns nightmarish as Iñaki dies in her arms.
With Carlota's convincing, Carmen skip autopsy that would have shown the cause of death and have the body cremated quickly.
Emiliano and Carmen, Inaki's mother crying Romina suspects Carlota has something to do with Iñaki’s death and tells Paloma but she refused to believe. Meanwhile Cristobal returns to Mexico City. Arcadia blackmailed Carlota as she threatens to tell Iñaki’s parents everything she knows. Knowing the type of person Carlota is, Arcadia wrote a letter to be given to Alonso in the event she dies. Meanwhile, Romina overhears that Emiliano is in love with Paloma and she blames her mother for not supporting her relationship with Emiliano. Rufina finds out that Arcadia is dead and that Carlota’s car had a dent. And that dent was from the knock on Arcadia. Finally, Emiliano breaks up with Romina. Paloma decides to send the engagement ring that Iñaki gave her back to Carmen. Finally Atty Roxas finds a way to change the clause in the will of Paloma’s parents which extends the age that Paloma will come into her inheritance. Diana rebukes Emiliano for breaking up with Romina while Romina believes that Paloma has betrayed her. With the death of Inaki, Paloma wants to stay away from love but Emiliano will not allow that so she puts up a show to make him believe that Aaron is her boyfriend.
Liliana and Romina fight over German and Paloma takes the blame to save Romina from expulsion. Paloma now stripped of her scholarship, decides to sell Iñaki’s engagement ring to finance her studies and that is when she realised that the ring is fake. Carlota exchanged it when she went to Mexico. Emiliano confronts Aaron to ask what his intentions are for Paloma while Romina keeps her distance from Paloma at school for stealing Emiliano. Meanwhile, Camila confides in Macarena how she feels for Rafael while Emiliano and Paloma kissed and he realises that she loves him. Camila tells Romina to pay for Paloma’s studies with her inheritance after knowing that she is the culprit behind Paloma’s withdrawn scholarship but she refused. Camila wants to pay for Paloma schools but she refuses. Paloma and Cristobal meet for the first time. Rafael gives Diana the divorce papers while Camila, Orlando, Macarena and Rodolfo go out for a double-date. Orlando runs into Diana whom he calls Gudelia, while Romina overdoses herself to try to blackmail Emiliano and force him to marry her. She lied to Diana that she slept with Emiliano the other night and convinces Emiliano that they made love even though he’s drunk. German threatens to expose her and tell everybody that they have been lovers for a long time. Diana demands that as her friend, Camila is obliged to tell her everything about Rafael since she is the new business partner. Diana realising that the man that Emiliano is going into partnership with is Orlando, she tries to stop it. Carlota not happy that Macarena has found love, decides to tell Dr. Bermudez that Macarena is not a saint but Paloma's mother so the Doctor did not come for dinner as planned.

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