The Kiss for Settlement or Manipulation?
In the prison yard, the troublemaker prisoners attack Cris again and Chucho goes to help. The guards break it up and tell Cris to go see his visitor, whether he wants to or not. His visitor is Carlota who comes to offer him another chance of accepting her and she will free him from prison. He says No and leaves.
Eric and Germán slugging it out on who is superior or more favoured in the office. German says he is jealous because Liliana still loves him but Eric tells him the relationship is off.
Licenciado Cordero gets an envelop marked “Confidential” and “Regarding the Case of Fr. Cristóbal” he did not open it but puts it aside to go through later.
After the fight with Eric, Germán leaves to see Carlota at home. He interrogates Rufina about the family and value of the Mansion. Rufina hates him and wishes she can knock him out with a poisonous coffee but Carlota shows up so Rufina leaves.

Carlota tells German to destroy Cris but he wants to win the case in order to have prestige. Carlota tells him to forget that as he can gain prestige in other cases and she will pay him well. She tells him to find someone who will testify that he witnessed Alonso being run over by the truck and German in shock asked “How do you know he was run over by a truck?” Carlota says she heard from someone in the Town that it was a truck that ran over Alonso. German pretends to accept that.
She makes him sit down in front of her, and tells him to court Paloma. German is surprised considering how strict Carlota is with her niece. She proceeded to kiss him passionately and German responded too. (What a bunch. The two of them are sickos)
Paloma goes to show Gabriel the painting she’s been working on. He says it is amazing and tells her his coming to Real del Monte is not in vain as she is exactly what he’s been looking for. But Paloma did not understand him especially when he said "everything I have will be yours.” Just then Emiliano calls to invite her to the hospital to visit the baby. Gabriel is jealous.
Angélica hears when Emiliano called Paloma to come to the hospital with him but she is not happy at their closeness. Agreed the baby needs affection to thrive but it is not good for Emiliano and Paloma. He needs to leave her alone to avoid temptation and let her move on with her life.
One of Diana’s poker friends, also a friend of Camila, goes to her shop and to confess to her that she is in big trouble, having lost a lot of money playing poker with Samuel. Camila is shocked to hear that Samuel and Diana are still together after she had warned her. She and Mónica ahope the news about Samuel and Diana is not true.
Carlota and German are still kissing in the study and his jacket is off and his shirt unbuttoned. But she got carried away and started asking if Cristóbal loves her and then German stopped. Carlota too came back to her senses and drove German out. She takes out her anger on the furniture, smashing everything and Rufina becomes alarmed. Afterwards, she stomps out and up the stairs. Rufina rushes into the office and is shocked at the sight. “Carlota and Germán?!
In prison, Cris is telling Orlando he wants to find a way to make Carlota confess to all the crimes shes committed but Orlando says everything will work out in the trial. He was given a letter to give to Natalia so he advises Cris to think seriously about starting a family since he is no longer a priest and Macarena is dead.
Paloma finishes the sketch she’s been working on and wants Gabriel to look at it but he says “Great; see you next class,” wthout looking at it. Paloma is worried at his attitude insisting he tell her what the matter is but he just walked away saying “It’s not you, it’s me.”
Romina calls the furniture store for the delivery of her baby's furniture but is shocked when she is told no record of her order.
Liliana finds Eric on the street and tells him she’s missed him terribly and wants to get back together. He says he loves her, but she doesn’t really love him. She says she does. He says unless she is absolutely sure, she should stay away from him. Liliana weeps.
Luz lets herself into Gabriel’s place and looks around. She sees the sketch of a girl with bangs and braids and falls in love with it. she takes it and leaves that she has taken it..Meanwhile, Gabriel is out in the park. Sandra calls from her sickbed to ask why he went with Paloma to graduation but he mumbled sorry and hangs up. Romina walks up to him to flirt with him. Gabriel asks about her baby and when she started playing a bitch, Gabriel leaves.
AT home, Paloma helps Rufina in the kitchen and she mentioned Paloma's father and she was upset and warned her never to mention that man again. To distract, Rufina tells her about Carlota and Germán and how they locked themselves in the office for hours. How later German left in a hurry and Carlota was mad. Rufina thinks she would not come for Cris's trial and Carlota walks in saying yes and no one in the house should go too. But Paloma disagrees and Carlota warns that she’s going to hear some very ugly things about Cris and Natalia.
Germán visits Dr. Bermúdez and he tells him that himself and Emiliano doubt the baby’s paternity. Germán says they already did a test but Dr Bermudez says things just don’t add up and he wants to do another test. German refuses.
Gabriel's dad visits and could sense something is wrong. Gabriel says he wants to finish up his work and skip town as soon as possible, because he is in love with Paloma. Eugenio is thrilled about that but Gabriel is not. Eugenio says finding love is a blessing and he should just go with it.
Chava gives Emiliano gifts for the baby, a tiny pair of soccer shoes and a little soccer ball as he goes to support Fr. Cris for all hes done for him. He hopes to help Emiliano's son someday too.
Orlando gives Natalia the letter from Cris. The letter simply aplogises for the mess and encourages her to have faith that God will soon intervenes and freedom will come to her.
At the hospital, Paloma is admiring the baby when Emiliano shows up with his friend Alejandro. The friend plays the recorder therapeutically for the baby and he seems to enjoy it. Paloma tells Emiliano he’s a super good dad and he tells her she’ll be a great mom someday.
Germán fetches Cris for the trial. Cris hopes the facts will come to light and they will be vindicated.