Orlando tries to reassure Natalia that everything will work out. Natalia asks him to get Ivonne to come to see her.
Paloma is at the hospital visiting the baby. Emiliano comes with Alejandro who plays the flute for the baby as recommended. Emiliano tells Paloma that babies react well when music is playing. Paloma tells him he would be a great dad and he regrets that she would be a great mum too considering the love she is showing the baby but it will be with another man not him.
Madeleine, drops off a box at the church that explains Fr. Cristobal's past. She explained why she left him in the first place to Fr Mateo. She says though she was born here, most of her family lived in France. She spent a lot of time there studying dance. It was on one of her vacations in Mexico that she met Cristobal's dad. When she got pregnant, she had to have the baby but realised her career was important then so she had to leave him with his dad. Fr. Benito asks her if she knew that Cristobal's dad was an alcoholic and died of liver disease. She admits that she knew because she was always reading the Mexican papers with the hope of getting information about her son.
Camila goes to see Diana to warn her about Samuel. Diana does not want to listen. Camila leaves but is happy she tried warning her. She goes wedding dress shopping.

Cristobal and Natalia are being taken to the courthouse for the trial and the crowd is yelling outside.
Inside the Court room are friends and family. The judge asks for their plea and both plead not guilty. The prosecutor calls Fr. Cristobal to the stand and interrogated him as follows .
Pro: Is it true that 9 years ago you were engaged to be married to Natalia?
Cris: Yes
Pro: Then why did you decide not to marry her?
Cris: I didn't feel right taking the next step with her. I realized I did not love her the way she should have been loved.
Pro: Also because you felt guilty over a suicide.
P: Is it or isn't it true that you told Natalia you were feeling guilty over a death?
Cris: An emotional death. I believed that a woman had committed suicide because of me. For many years I felt guilty until I found out that it was a lie and she was still alive.
Pro: And who was that person?
Cris: I don't think it's really necessary for me to mention that person's name in this hearing. That person is now dead.
Pro: It is really important for you to tell us the name of that person.
Cris: That person was Macarena Espinosa de los Monteros. And the person who made me believe that she was dead for all those years was her sister, Carlota Espinosa de los Monteros.
Pro: Is it or isn't it true that you were going to leave Real de Monte with Macarena?
Cris: Yes. Macarena and I were going to leave to get married. Her family would not accept me. We both loved each other very much.
At this point Paloma becomes shocked. Rufina seeing what was going on tells Paloma that it is probably best they leave but Paloma refuses. She tells her she is finding out things that no one wanted to tell her. It's time to know the whole truth.
Carlota at home wishes she was at the trial. She wants everything to come out the way way she had planned.
Luz is walking around, buys an ice cream and buys one for a little girl. She asks the little girl what her name is. The mother of the little girl shows up and scowls her for talking to strangers.
After the day's proceeding, Paloma asks Rufina if she knew this. Rufina couldnt answer. Dr. Bermudez asks Rufina came if Cris was the man that Macarena talked about but replied that she should not be asked any questions. Outside, Paloma is crying. Emiliano comes to consoles as she seems confused. Emiliano says she should not have come but she says No, it' best she did. Gabriel walks Paloma home.
Rafael gets a call from a European company interested in his ceramics. He tells Luz the good news and wanted them to celebrate but she wants Rafael to help her find the little girl claiming she feels something special for the girl.
German asked Cristobal why he never told him about his relationship with Macarena. With all that secret coming out, his case is complicated.
Carlota wants to know what happened at the trial and when Paloma asks why she never told her that Cris and Macarena were in love, she says it was a delicate situation. But Paloma is thinking probably, Cris could be her father. Carloca seize the opportunity to continue lying that Macarena was already pregnant with her when she met Cris. She said Macarena was going to make Cris believe the pregnancy was his. Carlota said she told Macarena not to lie so their hatred started from then. She begged Paloma to Forgive her for not telling her the whole truth before. Paloma did and they hugged.
Romina crying because the furniture company tells her no order was received from her father. Emiliano comes home and she tells him that the father cashed the Cheque but never bought the baby furniture. Emiliano comforts her.
Dr. Bermudez was surprised about Cris being the love of Macarena's life. Ivonne says that when they were in love, he was not yet a priest. Dr. Bermudez says that Macarena confided in him that the man she loved had died but when Cris came to Real de Monte she never told him that he was. He thinks Cris may be Paloma's father but He vows to still protect Paloma like he promised Macarena.
Now Carlota is happy that her plans work and everyone will think bad about Macarena